
yard sale-ing

I dropped into the annual Trinity Bellwoods yard sale on Saturday morning. It was busy (and hot!), but I scored a couple of sweet deals.
This General Food Kitchen Cookbook from 1959 was $1. Some of the recipes and pics are hilarious (who wants to fight for that sardine, boiled egg and tomato sandwich?) and uber-kitschy (where can I get a soup tureen that looks like a head of cabbage?).
I was really drawn to these needlepoint pieces for some reason. They were $1 each.


  1. O Gawd!!! You've got the Gordo in you! P.S. those sandwiches look all kinds of disgusting!

  2. gordo is a smart man, brae, you can score some good deals at yard sales (just ask my mom who has no shame haggling!). i know, those sandwiches look sick! who wants a shrimp, boiled egg and olive sandwich?!
